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To Teachers, With Love

Workshop Highlight

Thank you so very much to all who attended, and to my team! Thank you Administrators for sending teachers. A heart felt thank you to gift card sponsors!


Dr. Willis

"Often times I attend workshops that are BORING! And I do not learn anything NEW! Today I attended a Teaching on Purpose workshop... I totally enjoyed it! I learned some new info and was refreshed on why I teach and ways to differentiate learning!!! Excellent job presenting Iantha Ussin, Tongel Few, Mayreather Willis, and Ms. Ward! Keep doing with you do!!! Educating teachers!!! You make the difference!!!"


Ms. LaTonga Williams

Teacher, Augusta Georgia


To Teachers, With Love


Breakout Session- Creating Data Driven Centers

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, The more places you'll go."


-Dr. Sesus

Creating Data Driven Centers
Creating Data Driven Centers
Creating Data Driven Centers
Creating Data Driven Centers


To Teachers, With Love Workshop

Meet the Team (Center photo)

Ms. Ward-  SPED, Ms. Ussin- ELA, Ms. Few- Science & Dr. Willis- Curriculum & Instruction

Work Shop Playlist



Click the link to complete the

To Teachers,

With Love

April 2, 2014 Survey


Work Shop Playlist

To Teachers, With Love Workshop

Great Ideas for the Classroom  &  

Celebrating What We Do- You Know You Are A Teacher if...


Video Highlights (click links to see workshop videos)


Great Ideas for Centers!



Part 1: Red Light Analysis - Red, Yellow, Green Qucik Assessment

Part 2: Red Light Analysis - Red, Yellow, Green Qucik Assessment





Segment: You Know You Are A Teacher If ...


Segment: Teacher of the Workshop



Teaching On Purpose

Teaching On Purpose

Teachers' Center Bag

Teachers' Center Bag

All of the teaches received this center bag, and worked from it during the workshop.





Red Light Analysis

Red Light Analysis

Dr. Willis

Dr. Willis

Ms. Ward

Ms. Ward

Ms. Few

Ms. Few

Dr. Willis

Dr. Willis

Ms. Ussin

Ms. Ussin

Great Idead for the Classroom

Great Idead for the Classroom

Mrs. Gonzalez

Mrs. Gonzalez



To learn more about Teaching On Purpose  Professional Staff Development 

at your school contact us

Teachers Supporting Teachers
Workshops, Conferences & Professional Development

​​Planning for a Classroom In Motion: This workshop walks teachers through the process of preparing for a daily data driven instructional classroom that supports differentiated instruction and centers & stations.


To Teachers, With Love: This workshop is designed to inspire, rejuvenate and provide teachers with information about the latest and best instructional practices, resources, technology and great ideas in the classroom. This workshop includes multiple sessions for planning and culminates with a celebration of teachers.


Teaching On Purpose (TOP) Consortium: This conference is a proactive, not reactive approach to teaching. The goal of this consortium is to bring a variety of teachers to fouse on the state of classroom education, and provide solutions, develop strategies, and instructional action plans for academics, social, and behavior improvement, best practices that work, and videos to support themselves, and other teachers during the upcoming school year.


Effectively Planning and Impementing Daily Data Driven Instruction:  This Professional development is designed to empower and stenghten teachers' knowledge about data driven instruction, performance assessing, and planning to use data to differentiate, use  problem/project/inuiry base learning that meaning for them and their students.

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